Vystudoval 5 leté studium oboru Výživa a potraviny na ČZU, nyní pokračuje jako doktorand se zaměřením na metabolismus rostlinných látek v lidském těle. Je hobby trenérem programu BodyCombat a BodyJam, Bodyworkout a kruhový trénink.

Ondra Veselý
Online trainingBody coreBody Workout
[sautor] => ondra-vesely
[0] => WP_Term Object
[term_id] => 76
[name] => Body core
[slug] => body-core-en
[term_group] => 0
[term_taxonomy_id] => 76
[taxonomy] => category
[description] => Training focusing on the center of the body using basic exercises, in which we slowly add to the intensity. We strengthen both the superficial abdominal muscles and the deep abdominal muscles.
[parent] => 38
[count] => 82
[filter] => raw
[cat_ID] => 76
[category_count] => 82
[category_description] => Training focusing on the center of the body using basic exercises, in which we slowly add to the intensity. We strengthen both the superficial abdominal muscles and the deep abdominal muscles.
[cat_name] => Body core
[category_nicename] => body-core-en
[category_parent] => 38
[1] => WP_Term Object
[term_id] => 53
[name] => Body Workout
[slug] => body-workout-en-online-en
[term_group] => 0
[term_taxonomy_id] => 53
[taxonomy] => category
[description] => A complex training of the whole body using simple but very effective exercises with an emphasis placed on the core or the trunk of the body.
[parent] => 38
[count] => 129
[filter] => raw
[cat_ID] => 53
[category_count] => 129
[category_description] => A complex training of the whole body using simple but very effective exercises with an emphasis placed on the core or the trunk of the body.
[cat_name] => Body Workout
[category_nicename] => body-workout-en-online-en
[category_parent] => 38
[2] => WP_Term Object
[term_id] => 38
[name] => Online training
[slug] => online-en
[term_group] => 0
[term_taxonomy_id] => 38
[taxonomy] => category
[description] =>
[parent] => 0
[count] => 756
[filter] => raw
[cat_ID] => 38
[category_count] => 756
[category_description] =>
[cat_name] => Online training
[category_nicename] => online-en
[category_parent] => 0
Live streaming and comprehensive library
Exercises available anytime and anywhere
Professional Form Factory trainers
Live streaming and comprehensive library
Exercises available anytime and anywhere
Professional Form Factory trainers
Instruktor skupinových lekcí