Lásku k športu som si pestovala už od útleho veku. Nikdy som však nevydržala len pri jednom športe. Vždy bolo mojim cieľom mať čo najširšie spektrum skúseností z rôznych oblastí športu. Chcela som byť všestanná. Po vyskúšaní tanca, plávania, lyžovania a volejbalu som presedlala na klasické cvičenie v posilňovni. Tu začalo moje naberanie skúseností z oblasti fitness. Mojim cieľom, ako aj celkovou filozofiou je – naučiť vás ovládať svoje telo po každej stránke.

Veronika Škovranová
Online trainingHIITSK
[sautor] => veronika-skovranova
[0] => WP_Term Object
[term_id] => 51
[name] => HIIT
[slug] => hiit-en
[term_group] => 0
[term_taxonomy_id] => 51
[taxonomy] => category
[description] => High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) These are short rounds of high intensity exercise followed by pauses for recovery, where motivation is based on overcoming physical and mental limits. The lesson is based on intervals to deliver maximum performance at each interval.
[parent] => 38
[count] => 50
[filter] => raw
[cat_ID] => 51
[category_count] => 50
[category_description] => High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) These are short rounds of high intensity exercise followed by pauses for recovery, where motivation is based on overcoming physical and mental limits. The lesson is based on intervals to deliver maximum performance at each interval.
[cat_name] => HIIT
[category_nicename] => hiit-en
[category_parent] => 38
[1] => WP_Term Object
[term_id] => 38
[name] => Online training
[slug] => online-en
[term_group] => 0
[term_taxonomy_id] => 38
[taxonomy] => category
[description] =>
[parent] => 0
[count] => 756
[filter] => raw
[cat_ID] => 38
[category_count] => 756
[category_description] =>
[cat_name] => Online training
[category_nicename] => online-en
[category_parent] => 0
[2] => WP_Term Object
[term_id] => 78
[name] => SK
[slug] => sk-lang
[term_group] => 0
[term_taxonomy_id] => 78
[taxonomy] => category
[description] => Lesson conducted in Slovak
[parent] => 0
[count] => 11
[filter] => raw
[cat_ID] => 78
[category_count] => 11
[category_description] => Lesson conducted in Slovak
[cat_name] => SK
[category_nicename] => sk-lang
[category_parent] => 0
Live streaming and comprehensive library
Exercises available anytime and anywhere
Professional Form Factory trainers
Live streaming and comprehensive library
Exercises available anytime and anywhere
Professional Form Factory trainers
Instruktor skupinových lekcí