Exercises for pregnant III.

Online trainingFreeHealthFactoryTutorials
Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 87 [name] => Free [slug] => free-en [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 87 [taxonomy] => category [description] => Showcase premium content for free [parent] => 0 [count] => 42 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 87 [category_count] => 42 [category_description] => Showcase premium content for free [cat_name] => Free [category_nicename] => free-en [category_parent] => 0 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 62 [name] => HealthFactory [slug] => healthfactory-en [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 62 [taxonomy] => category [description] => Each month, a new approach to fitness from Form Factory focuses on the prevention of one of the civilization disease. To this end, there will always be a program of group lessons, which will be expanded to include special and health exercises. Each month’s program will also include professional workshops, special online content, videos and support from Form Factory professional trainers. [parent] => 0 [count] => 16 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 62 [category_count] => 16 [category_description] => Each month, a new approach to fitness from Form Factory focuses on the prevention of one of the civilization disease. To this end, there will always be a program of group lessons, which will be expanded to include special and health exercises. Each month’s program will also include professional workshops, special online content, videos and support from Form Factory professional trainers. [cat_name] => HealthFactory [category_nicename] => healthfactory-en [category_parent] => 0 ) [2] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 38 [name] => Online training [slug] => online-en [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 38 [taxonomy] => category [description] =>

Live streaming and comprehensive library

Exercises available anytime and anywhere

Professional Form Factory trainers

[parent] => 0 [count] => 751 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 38 [category_count] => 751 [category_description] =>

Live streaming and comprehensive library

Exercises available anytime and anywhere

Professional Form Factory trainers

[cat_name] => Online training [category_nicename] => online-en [category_parent] => 0 ) [3] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 89 [name] => Tutorials [slug] => tutorials-en [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 89 [taxonomy] => category [description] => Learn how to perform the basic exercises from a variety of programs, including the popular Les Mills. [parent] => 38 [count] => 12 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 89 [category_count] => 12 [category_description] => Learn how to perform the basic exercises from a variety of programs, including the popular Les Mills. [cat_name] => Tutorials [category_nicename] => tutorials-en [category_parent] => 38 ) )

Difficulty Light

Intensity 1

You can also exercise during pregnancy. Learn simple exercises suitable for every day.

Author Eunika Moješčík

Soukromá porodní asistentka

Jsem soukromá porodní asistentka a porodní asistenci a práci se ženami se věnuji téměř 10 let. Mám ráda aktivní životní styl, ať je to silový trénink, běh, tanec nebo moje oblíbená turistika. Tyhle záliby jsem si chtěla ponechat i v době těhotenství a po porodu, a tak se také stalo. Sama jsem si na sobě vyzkoušela, že i jako těhotná, nebo žena s miminkem, se mohu nadále věnovat svým koníčkům. Proto v tom také podporuji další ženy a vedu cvičení pro těhotné a ženy po porodu.