Mid-day 20 S1/E1

Online trainingFreeMid-Day 20
Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 87 [name] => Free [slug] => free-en [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 87 [taxonomy] => category [description] => Showcase premium content for free [parent] => 0 [count] => 42 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 87 [category_count] => 42 [category_description] => Showcase premium content for free [cat_name] => Free [category_nicename] => free-en [category_parent] => 0 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 85 [name] => Mid-Day 20 [slug] => mid-day-20 [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 85 [taxonomy] => category [description] => The concept of the exercise is based on a short variable set of exercises that does not take more than 20 minutes. No special equpment needed for exercise, the emphasis is on stretching and mobility of the most important muscle parts, for example in the office or at home. He uses a number of positions from yoga, pilates and more active programs such as Body Workout. [parent] => 38 [count] => 21 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 85 [category_count] => 21 [category_description] => The concept of the exercise is based on a short variable set of exercises that does not take more than 20 minutes. No special equpment needed for exercise, the emphasis is on stretching and mobility of the most important muscle parts, for example in the office or at home. He uses a number of positions from yoga, pilates and more active programs such as Body Workout. [cat_name] => Mid-Day 20 [category_nicename] => mid-day-20 [category_parent] => 38 ) [2] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 38 [name] => Online training [slug] => online-en [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 38 [taxonomy] => category [description] =>

Live streaming and comprehensive library

Exercises available anytime and anywhere

Professional Form Factory trainers

[parent] => 0 [count] => 756 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 38 [category_count] => 756 [category_description] =>

Live streaming and comprehensive library

Exercises available anytime and anywhere

Professional Form Factory trainers

[cat_name] => Online training [category_nicename] => online-en [category_parent] => 0 ) )

Difficulty Light

Intensity 2

Exercise mat

The concept of the exercise is based on a short variable set of exercises that does not take more than 20 minutes. No special equpment needed for exercise, the emphasis is on stretching and mobility of the most important muscle parts, for example in the office or at home. He uses a number of positions from yoga, pilates and more active programs such as Body Workout.

Author Tereza Vašutová

Online trainingYogaPilates
1839 Array ( [sautor] => tereza-vasutova ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 47 [name] => Yoga [slug] => yoga [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 47 [taxonomy] => category [description] => Exercise based on regular repetition of basic yoga poses that are dynamically sequenced. It focuses on balancing muscle imbalances, shaping problem areas, stretching muscles and relaxing. [parent] => 38 [count] => 205 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 47 [category_count] => 205 [category_description] => Exercise based on regular repetition of basic yoga poses that are dynamically sequenced. It focuses on balancing muscle imbalances, shaping problem areas, stretching muscles and relaxing. [cat_name] => Yoga [category_nicename] => yoga [category_parent] => 38 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 38 [name] => Online training [slug] => online-en [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 38 [taxonomy] => category [description] =>

Live streaming and comprehensive library

Exercises available anytime and anywhere

Professional Form Factory trainers

[parent] => 0 [count] => 756 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 38 [category_count] => 756 [category_description] =>

Live streaming and comprehensive library

Exercises available anytime and anywhere

Professional Form Factory trainers

[cat_name] => Online training [category_nicename] => online-en [category_parent] => 0 ) [2] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 46 [name] => Pilates [slug] => pilates-en [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 46 [taxonomy] => category [description] => Pilates, or the Pilates method, is an exercise system that improves muscle control function, body flexibility, strength and breathing. Pilates is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the whole body, especially the deep ab-dominal muscles, the back and pelvic floor muscles. Pilates is an exercise system that improves muscle control, flexibility, strength and breathing technique. Pilates is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the whole body, especially the deep abdominal muscles, the back and pelvic floor muscles. [parent] => 38 [count] => 81 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 46 [category_count] => 81 [category_description] => Pilates, or the Pilates method, is an exercise system that improves muscle control function, body flexibility, strength and breathing. Pilates is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the whole body, especially the deep ab-dominal muscles, the back and pelvic floor muscles. Pilates is an exercise system that improves muscle control, flexibility, strength and breathing technique. Pilates is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the whole body, especially the deep abdominal muscles, the back and pelvic floor muscles. [cat_name] => Pilates [category_nicename] => pilates-en [category_parent] => 38 ) )

Instruktor skupinových lekcí

Jmenuji se Tereza. Ve fitness světě se pohybuji zhruba 15 let a pohybuji se ráda😀momentálně na vlně Pilates a Jógy, které jsou mou doménou a kterým se plně věnuji v každé volné chvíli, nejen jako lektor, ale také sebevzděláváním. V těchto oblastech cvičení je stále prostor k posouvání se dál a objevování něčeho nového a to se mi na tomto směru velmi líbí a motivuje. Pilates a jeho rozsah pohybu, jóga a její sebepoznání a koncentrace. A přesně to se snažím předat svým klientům na lekcích. Nejen flexibilitu a rozsah pohybu, ale i sílu, koncentraci a vytrvalost. To vše pak propojit se sílou naší mysli. Těším se na lekce s Vámi a na nové zážitky.