Mental Diet for Christmas Blues

Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 30 [name] => Fitness [slug] => fitness-en [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 30 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 6 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 30 [category_count] => 6 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Fitness [category_nicename] => fitness-en [category_parent] => 0 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 62 [name] => HealthFactory [slug] => healthfactory-en [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 62 [taxonomy] => category [description] => Each month, a new approach to fitness from Form Factory focuses on the prevention of one of the civilization disease. To this end, there will always be a program of group lessons, which will be expanded to include special and health exercises. Each month’s program will also include professional workshops, special online content, videos and support from Form Factory professional trainers. [parent] => 0 [count] => 16 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 62 [category_count] => 16 [category_description] => Each month, a new approach to fitness from Form Factory focuses on the prevention of one of the civilization disease. To this end, there will always be a program of group lessons, which will be expanded to include special and health exercises. Each month’s program will also include professional workshops, special online content, videos and support from Form Factory professional trainers. [cat_name] => HealthFactory [category_nicename] => healthfactory-en [category_parent] => 0 ) [2] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 42 [name] => Tips [slug] => tips [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 42 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 8 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 42 [category_count] => 8 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Tips [category_nicename] => tips [category_parent] => 0 ) )

December is not only the last month of the year but also an atypical month, marked by the pre-Christmas rush and dreamlike expectations. Before the holidays and the approaching end of the year, we usually reflect on what the year has given us and taken from us, trying to find peace and tranquility, often through forgiveness and reconciliation with what and who we are dissatisfied with or in conflict with.

Starting with ourselves is magical – perhaps we will find the strength to face ourselves and work through it in our minds and, most importantly, in our souls. It is healing to pay attention to unresolved doubts and helplessness, to look within ourselves, take inventory of our inner world, process any obstacles, and remove them from our path as we move closer to our own dreams.

How do we actually dream about Christmas? As a time of peaceful pause with ourselves, our friends, and loved ones? Or does the hustle, tasks, and stress rob us of the last bit of balanced inner energy?

At Christmas, we generally seek the company of those we love, and we feel that the affection is mutual. Such company is a safe bet. This can’t always be said about our family, especially the extended family. A friend may love us for our intelligence, a lover for our charm, but family loves us without reason, simply because we exist.

Together with Karel Čapek, I realize a beautiful thought at Christmas: “The most beautiful things in the world are not things, but moments.” Let’s not chase after shocking gifts; perhaps a small, thoughtful gesture will bring more joy if we are in a kind mood, enjoy each other’s company, and experience unforgettable moments that loving people can share. The memories of such times will stay with us for a long time and will be a balm on gray days.

Let’s enjoy Christmas and New Year’s gastronomy and not resist it, because we have our favorite gym, where we can always adjust our physical self-image.

And if you want to think about dieting, I offer a very fun ten-day mental diet that I recently discovered:

For ten days, it is forbidden to think for more than a minute about anything negative, hopeless, or fear-inducing. If you catch yourself thinking about something unpleasant or painful, you must immediately force yourself to think of something positive and happy.

If you dwell on something negative for longer than a minute, you must start the ten-day mental diet again!

This diet is a lot of fun. I recommend you start it right now. I bet it will open your eyes.

PhDr. Marie Vlčková

Author PhDr. Marie Vlčková

Životní koučka a osobní terapeutka

Začněme dělat to, co je nezbytné, pak to, co je možné, a najednou zjistíme, že děláme nemožné.

Snaha pomáhat lidem charakterizuje celý můj dosavadní život. Vrbou všem potřebným jsem ráda byla už v dětství, i v době studií na gymnáziu a Univerzitě Karlově a provází mne dodnes – jsem vnímavá pozorovatelka života, certifikovaná koučka, facilitátorka, psychologická terapeutka, konzultantka, mentorka a především člověk, který má rád lidi. Empatie, pokora a oduševnělá blízkost je mým klíčem pro porozumění, schopnost naslouchat a laskavě hovořit s lidmi, kteří hledají na své životní pouti světlo a naplnění svých snů a vizí – osobních i pracovních.

Jako dlouholetá spolupracovnice mága, léčitele a astrologa Emila Václava Havelky a jím zvolená prezidentka Bratrstva Zlaté pyramidy, z.s. ráda pomáhám lidem objevit v sobě vnitřní sílu, najít impulzy k životní změně a především vyladit duši i mysl pro životní rovnováhu, sebedůvěru a tolik potřebnou vnitřní pohodu. Mám mnohaleté zkušenosti s psychologickým poradenstvím a pomocí potřebným ze všech věkových skupin s pozoruhodnými kladnými ohlasy.

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