Exercises for pregnant women VII.

Online trainingTutorials
Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 38 [name] => Online training [slug] => online-en [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 38 [taxonomy] => category [description] =>

Live streaming and comprehensive library

Exercises available anytime and anywhere

Professional Form Factory trainers

[parent] => 0 [count] => 756 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 38 [category_count] => 756 [category_description] =>

Live streaming and comprehensive library

Exercises available anytime and anywhere

Professional Form Factory trainers

[cat_name] => Online training [category_nicename] => online-en [category_parent] => 0 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 89 [name] => Tutorials [slug] => tutorials-en [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 89 [taxonomy] => category [description] => Learn how to perform the basic exercises from a variety of programs, including the popular Les Mills. [parent] => 38 [count] => 12 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 89 [category_count] => 12 [category_description] => Learn how to perform the basic exercises from a variety of programs, including the popular Les Mills. [cat_name] => Tutorials [category_nicename] => tutorials-en [category_parent] => 38 ) )

We continue our series of simple exercises for pregnant women. Active movement is important in every period of life.

Author Eunika Moješčík

Soukromá porodní asistentka

Jsem soukromá porodní asistentka a porodní asistenci a práci se ženami se věnuji téměř 10 let. Mám ráda aktivní životní styl, ať je to silový trénink, běh, tanec nebo moje oblíbená turistika. Tyhle záliby jsem si chtěla ponechat i v době těhotenství a po porodu, a tak se také stalo. Sama jsem si na sobě vyzkoušela, že i jako těhotná, nebo žena s miminkem, se mohu nadále věnovat svým koníčkům. Proto v tom také podporuji další ženy a vedu cvičení pro těhotné a ženy po porodu.